Extended by one week to 18 July

The HI Trees group is launching its Green Canopy survey, part of the Queen’s Green Canopy Jubilee project. We’d like you to tell us where trees could be planted. You don’t need to own the land to make a suggestion. We’ll compile all the ideas, make a prioritised list, seek landowners’ permission and then fund-raise to plant the trees. Together over the next few years, we’ll create a green canopy over Histon and Impington.

For more information see our article in Hisimp News, or email Dan Mace at

Suggestions so far

Tuesday 6th July 8.00pm On Zoom

Dan Mace will talk about why we should plant trees, what we’ve done in Histon and Impington over the years, and our plans for the future. He’ll highlight the Feast Week Green Canopy survey — we want to know where you think new trees could be planted.

Here is a recording of the talk

Planting trees is good

  • its good for wildlife and biodiversity
  • it creates great spaces for humans to enjoy
  • it helps reduce atmospheric CO2,but planting trees isn’t enough to solve this problem

We’ve planted at least 13,000 trees in Histon and Impington over the last 30 years

  • from single trees such as the oak on the Village Green
  • to woods with a few thousand trees such as the WI Woods.
  • This 13,000 number is likely a big underestimate.

We (HI Trees) want to hear suggestions for locations for new tree planting.

  • It could on a patch for one tree
  • Or a bigger space for a few trees
  • Or somewhere crying out for a hedge
  • Or a field where we could plant 100s of trees

Complete this form and we’ll put together a tree planting plan – a prioritized list of projects

  • Here is the link to the form:
  • We’ll start planting this Winter – it may take a few years to complete the plan
  • We won’t be able to do everything but we’ll try to help where we can